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Ruben & Lullaby
Written Cwapik on 04th Feb, 2009.
Other news includes Ruben & Lullaby, what is essentially an interactive comic. Thanks Capabilities iPhone was only a matter of time before they do something similar, rather surprises me that it is only after such a long time.
Someone called these achievements interactive graphic novel, in any event, this type of start and spread of gigantickým way you see the [...]
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Shake iGirl her bikini-"human Tamagochi
Written Cwapik on 04th Feb, 2009.
the latest blockbuster in the AppStore are in the style of game where Tamagochi but nepečujete the animal but on the woman. iGirl, subtitled Shake her bikini in Appstore boasts attribute hottest 3D app in Appstore. For $ 0.99 you get a total funny game that you really seize ... .. now just waiting when a similar .... ... .. Porno applications in cydii ...
iTunes link
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iSutra available in Cydii
Written Cwapik on 04th Feb, 2009.
That probably did not approving the application in AppStore, and hop .... Who would expect, the author did not hesitate and provide it free to Cydie. A very positive report. Author of thanks and if you ever wanted to thank him a small gift in the form of finance here>
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Need For Speed Undercover - First gameplay video iPhone
Written Cwapik of 02 Feb, 2009.
This is outside the first gameplay video of NFS Undercover, what you say to him?
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Payback - review
Written Cwapik of 29 Jan, 2009.
The Payback rovnoceným opponent for GTA? As only someone could ask such a question, already a day over the Tapu in playing this game. Let us have a look at the tooth game that brings something to the iphone, what 12 years ago before the razzle-dazzle caused incredible on the PC and Playstation.
I will probably necessary comparison. Payback is not a GTA or the answer to [...]
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Wi-Gear iMuffs MB220
Written Cwapik of 29 Jan, 2009.
Wi Gear finally put on the market a viable solution for wireless listening to music on your iphone. With a price around 3000 CZK (150 $) I will have success, douho is already expected something like ...
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Battle of the Bluetooth or Modrozubá war
Written Cwapik of 29 Jan, 2009.
Recently discovered video and file transfer via bluetooth lifts to light things run in the background. Team of developers accused the author of the video code theft, it is the of their former partner (MeDevil). MeDevil However, the head of the head with anything nela.
Now a little zacituji Bluetooth dev team, MeDevil was adopted by our team at a time when it was [...]
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Tip of the T-shirt
Written Cwapik of 29 Jan, 2009.
T-shirts man has never been enough. These issues with the iPhone so that it is really nevyzněli embarrassingly low. Now offering variations on the Da Vinci style, really povedené. Triko out about the
20 bucks + postage and is available here
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Data transfer over bluetooth and iphone?
Written Cwapik of 26 Jan, 2009.
Jojo will soon have iphouni friends with jinejma BT zařízeníma, iSpazio again comes alive with the very positive news ...
(now I just missing iphone as a modem)
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Written Cwapik of 26 Jan, 2009.
Coming soon by our mea pleasing version of the Kamasutra jablíčkové equipment. Applications přislibuje following ...
Internet tips
The vote for a particular position and location
7 categories with 40 seats
Opportunity to offer the position via e-mail;
Generator of random positions (shaking the phone).