Data transfer over bluetooth and iphone?

Data transfer over bluetooth and iphone?

Written Cwapik of 26 Jan, 2009 in category Software Utilities

Jojo will soon have iphouni friends with jinejma BT zařízeníma, iSpazio again comes alive with the very positive news ...

(now I just missing iphone as a modem)

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26. Jan, 2009

for it exists iPhone as a modem so what cydii PDAnet or imode


26. Jan, 2009

I know, but to me does not work

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27. Jan, 2009

or NetShare, which serves as the iPhone wifi router - simply with a laptop with wifi and internet on one PC :-)


27. Jan, 2009

no life, again something I promeskal, try it and see ... ja on but I want to macbook


29. Jan, 2009

I always turned off when the imob prihlasit always want me to hop in the main screen what do I do

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