Archive pro'Zábavné games'

Tower Bloxx Deluxe 3D
Written Cwapik of 17 Feb, 2009.
This game most parane does not need to be extremely present and for those who do not know, believe that this is really fun and cool game made. The game may be familiar with the online version or mobile 2D version, probably the greatest success is over 4 million players on Facebook. Its success it dotlačil the new 3D version, not only for [...]
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Written Cwapik on 09th Feb, 2009.
Projíždím about the net and suddenly WTF, what is it? Vykrádačka Nu Pagadi? YES it is ... .. More or perhaps there is no need to write. Utterly dense, unfortunately, made the awkwardness in less than two dollars. Please do this again ...
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Ruben & Lullaby
Written Cwapik on 04th Feb, 2009.
Other news includes Ruben & Lullaby, what is essentially an interactive comic. Thanks Capabilities iPhone was only a matter of time before they do something similar, rather surprises me that it is only after such a long time. Someone called these achievements interactive graphic novel, in any event, this type of start and spread of gigantickým way you see the [... ]
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iSutra available in Cydii
Written Cwapik on 04th Feb, 2009.
That probably did not approving the application in AppStore, and hop .... Who would expect, the author did not hesitate and provide it free to Cydie. A very positive report. Author of thanks and if you ever wanted to thank him a small gift in the form of finance here>
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Crayon Physics Deluxe
Written Cwapik of 01 Jan, 2009.
Crayon Physics is back. They are a cult as the first version of the firmware? Who is actually created? Hudson soft too ... very well known name ... Why is it outside iPhysics Crayon LVL? Because you deserve it ... So, How did it turn out? Guess you can not miss it ... ... it's pit. Processing is the same, while others, primarily the game is more comprehensive, offering more options and be sure you [...]
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7 Cities
Written Cwapik of 30 Dec., 2008.
Another in a series of TD games, yet most interesting about the idea. As the name indicates, is a 7 City. The following 7 cities you defend against the enemies from the sea. For this you have to respect different towers to upgrade and improve. Over time, get a new tower for its capabilities. This takes place on the maps are hand-animated [...]
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Written Cwapik of 30 Dec., 2008.
Tower Defense (hereinafter TD) games are very entertaining. After Fieldrunners and Besiegment over which I have spent many evening and night there is another game that my hacks. Not only will retain my pozaornost but added to the characters and ideas could vtpné concept. If you are still working to solve that pay you the game and enjoy a moment, the game in [...]
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Rolando reviews
Written Cwapik of 27 Dec., 2008.
With reviews of this game I purposely took a little time. I promised that it will be worth it and .... This is the case. Graphics, plot, control, and overall processing ... .1 s * Menu is for me in every game basis. Menu for Roland is pompous, it will be around to sing Hallelujah, brilliant, creative and beautiful. Introductory level [...]
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Crazy Tanks
Written Cwapik of 21 Dec., 2008.
A very pleasant surprise to me this very simple and catchy game. Pleasant this swift 3D games you put into a duel between 1 and more tanks. They are fighting the "map" to each other, the arrows can be reflected from the walls, which are often used. The authors of the game gave more realistic than the loveliness and released them. The game offers 3 levels of [...]
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Done Drinking
Written Cwapik of 19 Dec., 2008.
Done Drinking is a simple but fun game vlice. It was only a matter of time before the appearance of flash transferred to iphone. Accelerometer to clearly called. What is it? yet to bring drunks home from the pub. Its boggling equalizing tilting iPhone. Drunk in the way you still přihýbá of lahvinky so it wants to draw more more. A ranking [...]