Archive pro'Zábavné games'

Monopoly Here & Now: The World Edition gameplay video
Written Cwapik of 18 Dec., 2008.
Here is a nice gameplay video of this wonderful game First Look - Monopoly Here & Now: World Edition (iPhone Application) from Apple iPhone Apps on know.
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Written Safadi of 18 Dec., 2008.
Legendary game SimCity EA comes from the Iphone. Create, plan and ničte their city can be built according to their sessions. Manévrujte after neighborhoods just a simple touch of a finger. Cities must zajisit electricity, water and security. This does not mean that the city can not posla a disaster such as earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, and much more. Price: $ 9.99 Link [...]
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Written Cwapik of 18 Dec., 2008.
As promised, today appeared in the appstore game ROLANDO. Also as expected, this game gives rise to sensation and its games with physics make it one of the best games of its kind. Expect a more detailed review soon .. The price is dollar 9.99 iTunes link here
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Tiki Towers
Written Cwapik of 17 Dec., 2008.
So I have this game first appeared on one game console, because I like such blbinky, I began to search. Tiki Towers are really playing with great potential. It is fun, make people think and it is beautifully animated. Add to this the amazing playability ... no just super. Lauded and end the matter. In terms of game 5 to get [...]
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Dizzy Bee
Written Cwapik of 16 Dec., 2008.
Dizzy Bee is a catchy game for young and adult player games on iPhone. What is it: You are cute little whole, which is intended to waive his fruit friends around the world who are trapped in the ice cube, and together with them to avoid požírajím obludám and get safely to destination. Game control [...]
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Monopoly Here & Now: The World Edition
Written Cwapik of 15 Dec., 2008.
Monopoly is a cult game, we finally won a version of the iPhone is really wallop. EA finally did something right and no it did not with the concept ahead ... finally. The game allows himself to play against AI or a friend on a single iPhone (up to 4 players) or with a friend after wifi. This, I still tried it but now how to upload firmware friends [. ..]
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Guitar Rock Tour
Written Cwapik of 14 Dec., 2008.
Guitar Rock Tour is a novelty in the Appstore and all games shove in your pocket. Forget the Tap Tap Revolution or other period. This is just enough. Whether it be from the graphics, tracks as well as playability. The game comes from the workshop and Gameloft is 167! MB big. Unfortunately, currently not on iPod Touch [...]