Archive pro'Závodní games'

Alpine Racer
Written Cwapik of 28 Feb, 2009.
Alpine Racer - discreet name jumped from surprise. Finally, I won the game with adrenaline theme snowboard / skis, which are inspired by the spirit of the legendary SSX. How does it turn out? Company Namco has done an outstanding achievement, which has its own flies but it is unique and therefore it flies like the pardon. This we think parane similar games. SSX and similar games [...]
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Need for speed for the iPhone
Written Cwapik of 12 Feb, 2009.
Again, only a few other screen, and again no more indormace edition of Need For Speed Undercover for the iPhone ... is not it a little tiring?
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Need For Speed Undercover - First gameplay video iPhone
Written Cwapik of 02 Feb, 2009.
This is outside the first gameplay video of NFS Undercover, what you say to him?
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Need For Speed postponed in March to
Written Cwapik of 16 Jan, 2009.
I have to chew slowly, and I wonder at it nechajte. NFS for the iphone ... if so ... first of March! It's slowly starting to be embarrassing!
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Written Cwapik of 03 Jan, 2009.
Razer-X is a very fun racing game in the style of the legendary Wipe-out, his style does not owe anything. Even wipe out shove in your pocket. On selection, there are three levels of difficulty. Handling using the accelerometer to turn out excellent and graphically the game is absolutely fantastic. If you are not a car to race, this game is the right choice. The price of [...]
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Fastlane Street Racing
Written Cwapik of 21 Dec., 2008.
Another racing game Street Racing is Fastlane. This game has great potential, but remained nedotažen. It is quite difficult to evaluate this game from Gameloft for Ferrari. When playing this game I just mentioned Ferrari are almost perfect. Not only is the menu that undone, but the rest of the game is slightly nedotažen. Again the game but it's not bad, [...]
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Zoom Zoom
Written Cwapik of 19 Dec., 2008.
A very special achievement in the racing game, it is namely the racing game with a classic principle of control but already the standard. This is it help to get. Before reading the help I have vainly tried to start the car but after reading it was now clear. There is a need to make sounds to tozjelo. The speed of the car straight up with [...]
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The Fast and the Furious: Pink Slip 3D
Written Cwapik of 16 Dec., 2008.
Another in a series of racing games and other game podařený hra.Tato recalls most about the old Need For Speed Underground, which I from the whole NFS series talked most. There is just racing for the track with adversaries or separate časovky, zdrhačky before fízlama, but also the whole section driftovacích lines and a section of Sprint, but not so extra [...]
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Gameloft Ferrari GT: Evolution
Written Cwapik of 15 Dec., 2008.
Gameloft out into the world of racing game that focuses only on the vehicle brand Ferrari. As almost everyone to attract me. The game is (supposedly) built the engine the game Asphalt 4 Elite. Something to remove, add a little something just obměnilo. I wish it was all so smoothly. The game is for most users nespustitelná [...]
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Mister Bumblebee Racing Champion
Written Cwapik of 15 Dec., 2008.
Beautiful-looking racing game with a perfectly made grafckou and musical parts but strongly nedotaženou playability. From this game, you can expect 3D races Mr Bumblebee and his friends. Given that flying is just like driving - it's really three-dimensional experience. Transit kopečkama, under tree trunks and jeskyněmi.Vyhněte the collisions and collect points, you have [...]