Gameloft Ferrari GT: Evolution
He Cwapik of 15 Dec, 2008 in the category Games, Racing Games
Gameloft out into the world of racing game that focuses only on the vehicle brand Ferrari. As almost everyone to nalákalo me. The game is (allegedly) built the engine game Asphalt 4 Elite. Something to remove, add a little something just obměnilo. I wish it was all so smoothly. The game is for most users nespustitelná and if it so difficult. I personally go only as safe mode (using SBSettings) and pouštění I have about 3-5 minutes of white screen, and then hop to the introductory video. If I'm in safe mode, the video is followed by how to play and I do not have any problem but if safe mod nenahodím, after waiting a few just to play the video and the end ... and better. This should be rectified as soon as possible.
If the game zpustíte, glad because it's a game total povedená. There are 3 options in the menu control (touching, a virtual wheel and akcelerometrem) plus there is the possibility to disable or enable the gas pedal. You try what you will be better to sit and you can get to it.
Graphically, this game is one of the best racing games, even I would say that Asphalt left behind. The effects of rain, etc. protislunce it is ingeniously made without debate.
Dokojce me very pleased AI opponents and their brazen militancy. This, I think the iPhone has met. Ferocity to the rear to me how many napálej ... just great.
In the game there are many lines where duties, such as trip time, race, passing lines filled cone (limit for the precipitation cones), etc. Last but not least, there is also drifting is interesting pořešený a total real actable.
The game is really made but a serious lack of the problem you run it precipitated the knees ...
Hope that you like Zadar and zapaříte ...
Price $ 9.99
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