He Cwapik of 13 Jan, 2009 in the category of Action games, Games, News
Among the newly announced games include the 3D action pařba called Hellfire. Astraware game creates group, which has had several titles for a total of povedených iphone. Now for us vytahuje with a 3D action game in the main role - the helicopter. From below postnutého video shows that they depend. The game environment looks very promising to control it is perhaps also in order.
The game offers a choice between the American and Russian helicopters which fulfill the mission throughout the world. The game is controlled by a combination of accelerometer and touch control. The boys have invited experienced sound engineers and promise real sounds that are similar to the iPhone games just do not see ... (I myself wondering)
Start the game also offers a tutorial that nepřeskakujte ....
The exact date has not yet been determined.
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