Archive pro'Software '

Sygic Turn by Turn GPS Navigator
Written Cwapik of 19 Feb, 2009.
Slovak SYGIC the ongoing trade fair presented a full menu uses TeleAtlas maps. Of course, attracting response. Good response but does not necessarily mean approval of Apple. Navigation is probably sent to the Appstore for approval and is now waiting to work out how. I believe that my secret desire to be heard, the more reason to believe it's the [...]
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Battle of the Bluetooth or Modrozubá war
Written Cwapik of 29 Jan, 2009.
Recently discovered video and file transfer via bluetooth lifts to light things run in the background. Team of developers accused the author of the video code theft, it is the of their former partner (MeDevil). MeDevil However, the head of the head with anything nela. Now little zacituji Bluetooth dev team, MeDevil was adopted by our team at a time when it was [...]
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Data transfer over bluetooth and iphone?
Written Cwapik of 26 Jan, 2009.
Jojo will soon have iphouni friends with jinejma BT zařízeníma, iSpazio again comes alive with the very positive news ... (now I just missing iphone as a modem)
Continuation of this contribution

Written Cwapik of 15 Dec., 2008.
How to create ringtones for the iPhone? This was initially a little nut, since iPhone uses the whole less standard format. Fortunately, someone did the program for this operation completely specially prepared. The program is called iRinger and can be downloaded HERE>> The program is quite automated, MP3tjku select and choose which 30 seconds is to convert into a ringtone (yes, iPhone [...]