Archive pro'Utility '

Sygic Turn by Turn GPS Navigator
Written Cwapik of 19 Feb, 2009.
Slovak SYGIC the ongoing trade fair presented a full menu uses TeleAtlas maps. Of course, attracting response. Good response but does not necessarily mean approval of Apple. Navigation is probably sent to the Appstore for approval and is now waiting to work out how. I believe that my secret desire to be heard, the more reason to believe it's the [...]
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Data transfer over bluetooth and iphone?
Written Cwapik of 26 Jan, 2009.
Jojo will soon have iphouni friends with jinejma BT zařízeníma, iSpazio again comes alive with the very positive news ... (now I just missing iphone as a modem)
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Snapture Flash
Written Cwapik of 27 Dec., 2008.
Missing you in the photo shoot with ihonem přisvětlovací diode? Coming soon will, brings Snapture Flash supplement. Your photos will not look like this evening firm that will sell this supplement adds an interesting software (see video) more QuickView from Snapture Labs on know.