Toy Tanks 3D

Toy Tanks 3D

Written Cwapik of 18 Dec, 2008 in the category of Action games, Games


Developers of Fishlabs have prepared us very líbivou action fighting game Toy Tanks 3D. A small promo for this game looks really tempting, to attract a total of me, Fishlabs are responsible for every našlapanou java game.


German developer Fishlabs of his work well known, but there was overshot a little and touch control in combination with accelerometers they seem too nesedlo. The game is not bad but if you more than 10 years, probably will not shout. In essence, Mackay just "click" on the iphone for shooting natáčíte direction where burns. I but it is not a choice, the principle of the game is just that if you do not mind crazy stereotype, you're done, I was not

Price 1.59 eruo

iTunes link

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