Payback - review
Written Cwapik of 29 Jan, 2009 in the category of Action games, Games
The Payback rovnoceným opponent for GTA? As only someone could ask such a question, already a day over the Tapu in playing this game. Let us have a look at the tooth game that brings something to the iphone, what 12 years ago before the razzle-dazzle caused incredible on the PC and Playstation.
I will probably necessary comparison. Payback is not a GTA or the answer to the first sentence of which is the question .... Rovnoceným is that there is no opponent for the GTA. Does not cause such a humbug. This is not that nothing new. That does not mean that the pace Payback. The iPhone is a similar game as Payback find (yet). Developers zabojovali and vycucali option iPhone what it was. It was enough to? Unfortunately, I must say that probably not. People, unfortunately, mind ... and for what? Well the GTA přeci.Oproti it is weaker, but again the advocacy game, he is game to your mobile phone!
A lot of people your GTA's and called Payback vyjrádačkou, although I have to admit that it's otherwise just made GTA, I do not under vykrádačku, however, it was time to order the style that the GTA can be established to say someone did, once. Payback is a stylish GTA 1 or 2, but in some 3D design. Such to the slander that robbed style, go with the sting. This is as one would say that COD robbed another person 1.st action.
I admit that when I first start a little disappointed and transited through the first round and I was looking for what and how. On the first attempt disappointment, but the second time when I already knew what to go and it's not a revolutionary game I enjoyed. On a little different control jsekm you accustomed quickly and to be sure I have the first map zopákl / city. The game is controlled using the accelerometer in combination with touch control. The direction of the extent of 360 degrees using accelerometer and show the movement of the rear / front you have the right two buttons. On the left side you have two buttons, one for shooting and one for the board and alight from the vehicle (of course, style theft ... as otherwise indicated)
I do not have any major criticism of the graphics, but, come to me jajn but one is a little nedotažené ... .. therefore dvojí.Prvním is faster framerate in scenes, but it can be forgiven, there is a hardware level (the game uses the engine GP2X with HDR). The second thing is titěrnost characters if you go on foot. It is almost přehlídnutelná. Holt But this is now and do nothing. The game itself is over 200 MB which is a really great game. It also offers what the size is responsible. 11 mapek / cities. Dozens of vehicles, weapons and a wide range of tasks. All this in a number of game modes. Of course, first you should try the story mode, or a story with a nice introductory video
Apple appstore called in the game as inappropriate for children under 12 years old. This is because of violence in the game. Not only shooting but also people rozmasakrovat car. No proste "GTA Style!" As we like. Things are thus deter grouch. If you have at least tzrochu patience, you will not regret investing $ 6.99 (as most readers know the Web site and none of njich paid .... Syčáci you!)
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